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Request Better Checklist:Complete Productivity tool

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Now with a competition from Google keep and the likes I think Evernote should evolve into a complete productivity Tool with a better checklist/ ToDo type notes so we don't have to use separate ToDo apps and NOTE apps.

Some features can be included like :

  1. Sorting items in the checklist--MODERATELY Tough implementation
  2. Strikeout the items for done checklist---EASY implementation 
  3. Individual reminders for items in checklist--TOUGH implementation

C'mon guys would it be really that hard to implement.??

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Level 5

Now with a competition from Google keep and the likes I think Evernote should evolve into a complete productivity Tool with a better checklist/ ToDo type notes so we don't have to use separate ToDo apps and NOTE apps.

Some features can be included like :

  1. Sorting items in the checklist--MODERATELY Tough implementation
  2. Strikeout the items for done checklist---EASY implementation 
  3. Individual reminders for items in checklist--TOUGH implementation

C'mon guys would it be really that hard to implement.??


I don't disagree. But...

You might find some relief in the short term if you look at the 3rd party client ecosystem.

For example I stopped beating my head against the wall, and added Cloud Outliner on my ipad and connected it to my Evernote Account.


Now I can see just the nested checkbox or bullet point portions of an evernote, and with a touch interface, drag items around, change the nesting, roll up or reveal branches of nested items, and when I check off an item, optionally have it disappear from view.


Evernote is fine as a stand alone thing, but it can really shine when you look at Evernote as an ecosystem.  With various connected bits of your stuff contributing content into Evernote, and focused specialized clients doing what they do best, using Evernote as the palate or canvas.


I have 15 Evernote "clients" of one sort or another on my iPad.  They launch fast, do their thing, and because they're focused, the developers can be more responsive.  Time to fix can be better than hoping for a fat Evernote Client to morph into all things for all people.



Also likes:

  • Evernote's Egretlist (no longer available in the app store) for scrolling through just the todo items across all notes with a particular set of tags, or from a particular saved search
  • EverLog to create lists.  Nicely adding template pre-formatted structure to titles, tags, and information collection.
  • And some of the recurring checklist from template abilities in AwesomeNote
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  • 6 months later...
  • Level 5

I don't have an extensive survey.  I started with these kludges, then tried some GTD stuff (EverTaskZ, SmartTM), now I'm back to the kludges.  Mostly as an input method into Evernote, but actually use the stuff in Evernote.


  • Egretlist by Evernote - no wait, they bought it and killed it...  (for those who don't already have it)
  • Nimbulist - Simplistic but allows re-ordering task items and easily deleting items. (bi-directional sync)  But you'll need to rely on Evernote for the reminders
  • Cloud Outliner
    • Multi-level 
    • re-ordering
    • expand/collapse branches
    • hide completed items
    • bidirectional sync to evernote
    • Email as OPML
    • Open in Project management tools like SG Project, QuickPlan Pro
    • Nice fluid interface for moving stuff around

Awesome Note is a bit of it's own thing.

It has calendar and iOS Reminder support.

Notes and it's checkboxes is more sophisticated than Evernote.  There's a notion of repeat items, the number of days late etc.

But as said,  it's sort of it's own thing using Evernote as the sync engine.

You can edit and use the stuff in Evernote, but only the raw text, the functionality remains in Awesome Note.

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