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(Archived) Evernote Always Opens on "All Notes" ?


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I got a new phone, a Galaxy Note II, last week and it seems this phone always opens Evernote on the "All Notes" page. I've tried to figure out if this is new or a glitch but if anyone has had this happen I'm interested in hearing how to change this. I'd either specify a different place or where I left it last which is what my tablet and last phone did. 


I have deleted and re-installed Evernote, but that did not succeed. 

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  • Level 5*

Tested this a bit on my Nexus 7 tablet, with the latest 5.1 beta 3 release. Looks like if you shut down Evernote (I just did a Force Stop on it), it starts up with "All Notes" active. If I just switch away and return, it comes back with whatever filter I had previously. Not sure about the Android app life cycle, and what happens if the OS boots an app out on its own, but I suspect the first behavior would apply.

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