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(Archived) Turn off favorites bar button toggling. Wait, that's not setting?


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Happy Monday!


I have buttons for saved searches on my Evernote application favorites bar in Windows 7.

When I click the button for any of my searches, the button becomes "depressed" and I see my notes listed.

If, however, I click the button a second time, Evernote displays "All Notebooks" though the button remains "depressed."

Shouldn't the button "un-depress" if the view switches away from my saved search to "All Notebooks?"

I went into the settings to see if "Favorites Bar Button Toggling Behavior," but, alas, there doesn't seem to be a setting for this.

I'd rather that it didn't toggle at all. 

Or, at least toggle in a way that doesn't make me think the list of notes I'm seeing is my saved search when it is, in face, note from "All Notebooks."


Am I doing something goofy or wrong?

Evernote rocks.







  • Level 5*

I don't know of any way to disable this behavior, even after checking spgSCOTT's guide to hidden options in Evernote (https://www.evernote.com/pub/spgscott/evernote-help#b=ca136823-f4bd-45ef-9b71-4e942a351b16&st=p&n=d922596f-d0b6-4a9c-928c-fd5ecf929a42).


The easiest way to see what's going on is probably to make sure that the Search Explanation control is visible via either View / Show Search Information or  Ctrl+F10. This will show you the search filter parameters that are currently in use.




Thanks dude!

I leave the Search Explanation control open all the time since I first noticed this problem.

I'm curious if the toggling behavior (without any change in button state) is new and by design or if it's a bug.

Maybe it's always been that way and I never noticed? 




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