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[Feature request] Quick note option

Ryan Schuetzler

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I've found the New Note option in Evernote to be a little too clunky when I want to just add a quick note or thought to my Evernote inbox. I'd love the option to just pop open a small dialog box, type in some text, hit Enter, and have it disappear. I've worked around the issue with Launchy and ENScript.exe, but it's not quite perfect. I'm sure the Evernote crew could do better.

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This, while not perfect, if what I've been looking for.  The advantage to this approach is that you can specific the tag, the notebook, the title, etc.  When I want to quickly add a "context", ala GTD, this scrip will let me trigger Launchy, type "@computer > the new task" and a new note is created in Evernote. Super.  My only issue is with the Title field.  It apparently can't be null, can't be "%*", etc.,

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