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(Archived) Does EN Premium save attachments in a place I can access them on the computer?

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I'd like to upgrade to EN Premium because I am interested in the sync feature for attachments. When syncing to your computer, does it download all the attachments to a place I can access or are they stored in a proprietary format? Currently I scan using ScanSnap and it uploads to EN automatically. I then download the attachment from the new note onto my local hard drive. If I can eliminate this 2nd step through syncing, I'm sold and will sign up for Premium this weekend.



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  • Level 5*

Depends on the client/OS. In Windows, attachments are stored inside the note database (implemented by a SQLlite database), along with the note data. You can save attachments to disk using the Evernote client, in the original format, and access them there, or just use the client's ability to open an attachment for editing, if that's what you are trying to do.

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Depends on the client/OS. In Windows, attachments are stored inside the note database (implemented by a SQLlite database), along with the note data. You can save attachments to disk using the Evernote client, in the original format, and access them there, or just use the client's ability to open an attachment for editing, if that's what you are trying to do.


Interesting I didn't realize it was stored in a database. I'll have to look at developer forum to see if anyone has implemented an application that can suck all the attachments out of the database for storing in a different location. My concern is storing the PDFs only in the database and nowhere else. If anything ever happened to EN (unlikely at least in the near future), I'd possibly lose access to all my documents.


If no solution exists, I'll probably create my own so that I don't have to rely on EN being around forever.



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  • Level 5*

..or you could just backup the whole database locally on a regular basis,  which is advisable anyway..

Is this possible using the free version?
Sure -- it's just a file on disk in either case.
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