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(Archived) [help!] Some serious problems


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你好!我是印象笔记的老用户,我现在在加拿大,再次登陆之后所有的笔记都不见了! 现在只剩下IPHONE因为没有切换所以能看到以前的笔记。我非常着急,我的用户名为xxxxxxxxx 请帮助我解决谢谢!! 



Hello !

I have already used evernote for 2 years . Now I am an international student in Canada . I was shocked when I logined in my account on my old computer , I found all the notes were lost !  There are only two notes there but none of them are mine .   And later I tried to login   on the new computer of windows 8 , it showed the same thing ...

Now , I can only use my iphone to see my old notes and I was really worried .


Please help me out !  I would really appreciate of that !!


( my user name is xxxxxxxxxx)


(Please send the reply to xxxxxxxxxxx  )

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