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(Archived) Login problems

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Hi, Ive got a problem with Evernote forgetting my password on my PC. My account work perfectly on my Ipad but not on my comuter. Evernote tends to forget my password and forces me to reset my password everytime.

Is there anybody who knows the answer why it is like this??


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  • Level 5*

Hi Snowal - what's your OS and Evernote version? Depending on how many notes you have it might be easiest to close Evernote down completely, backup your database files elsewhere on your hard drive, uninstall Evernote and then reinstall via a new download. That ensures you get a clean re-install and (hopefully) fixes your problems, though if it's with a recent OS like W8 I wouldn't get your hopes up - I'm sure there are fixes we haven't found yet...

If you do have a new OS I'd suggest raising a support ticket too, or you could try the chat line (see the support page) during daylight hours EST.

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