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(Archived) Presales questions about premium.....

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Im a long time EN user and now considering upgrading to Premium. Here are my questions......

In terms of searchable PDF's, if my subscription runs out, will those PDF's no longer be searchable after it runs out?

EN Premium allows note sizes up to 50MB, once my subscription runs out will those notes that go beyond the standard 25mb limit still be editable/syncable/etc. ?

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  • Level 5*

PDFs are searchable for both paid and free users - us paid types get priority on any OCRs, but I tend to do my own anyway. Subject to note sizes etc you should see no difference if your subscription lapses.

Not sure about note sizes - didn't think there was a difference in overall size, but if there is it would be dumb if Evernote allowed a back-door like setting up a paid-for note and then editing it forever after without continuing the subscription.

It's probably better not to upgrade for the sake of higher limits - except for the monthly 1GB of course - but to do so for two main reasons:

  1. You're helping Evernote develop new and better services, and
  2. You get a generally preferred service on support and OCRs

-Just sayin'

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