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(Archived) clipping multiple pages in one note


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Is there a way to append a clipp to an existing note? Or, i.e. how can I clip multiple pages into one note? Quite often, I use Evernote to clip how-to articles which continue on multiple pages. Presently, I clip the first page to create a note and then use copy paste for the following pages. Is there an easier way? An example is the Windows 8 article in InfoWorld <http://www.infoworld...dows_2012-07-25>; it spans three pages.

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I'd suggest clipping all of the notes separately and then merging the notes in Evernote (make sure the top one is the one that you want the main new note title to be and for it to show first in the three). There's no other way to do it that I know of.

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In the cited case you can use Clearly to view and clip all three pages in one operation.

Tested in Win 7 / Chrome 20.

This usually, but not always, works. Results are site dependent.

As Travis suggested, merging individual clips is another way that should always work.

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