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(Archived) REQUEST: use first line as note title when title is not entered


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I have been using Evernote for years, and I love it. On the Windows version, new notes are automatically titled with the first line of text in the note if a title is not entered in the title field. It makes a lot of sense that it works that way.

However, the Android version doesn't do this. I make almost all new notes with the awesome new widget. It seems to me that sometimes, my cursor is moved to the title of new notes, and other times it is moved to the body of the note (which I prefer). However, I wish the Android Evernote app would use the first line of my notes to set the title, just like the PC version does. Currently, if I don't enter a title, new notes simply say "Untitled Note".

Thank you very much for your hard work on Evernote. It makes my life better every single day!

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  • Level 5*

Hi and welcome to the Forums.

In my version of the app I get "auto title" (an option which you can turn off) which defaults to my current location or Evernote's best guess as to what I'm currently doing. With the option off, my note comes up with "Note Title" and "Note Content" in the appropriate places, and waits for me to overwrite the default. This is new notes via the Evernote window - I haven't tried starting a note via the widget.

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I'm coming in late here. I've played around with this and it seems that there are currently three possible options for this in various Evernote clients:

  • The smart feature Evernote has that titles based on location and calendar.
  • The off setting in which you actively have to tap and type into the title.
  • The first line feature which titles the note from the first line of the body.

It would be great on Android (and maybe other mobile clients) to have this as a setting where you could pick on of the three options to set as your personal default.

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