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(Archived) Auto renewal

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If you sign into the web client & check your settings, under account info, it should say "next attempt to bill on" followed by a date. I'm pretty sure EN auto renews (b/c a few people have gotten annoyed b/c they don't want auto renew). If your account shows a next attempt to bill date, then it's probably going to auto renew. You can confirm either by checking your account after the rollover date (and manually renewing if it didn't auto renew) and/or contacting EN directly by submitting a support ticket. (See my sig.)

  • Level 5

It looks like you edited the original post and removed the comment about Paypal.

Here is a comment from jbignert, an Evernote employee, dated August 16, 2011

  • Because of the way Paypal billing works we are currently unable to let you switch to an annual plan while you are still having Premium time left from your canceled monthly plan. The best advice I have is to let your current premium expire fully. Once that's done you will be able to choose both monthly and annual plans and pay with Paypal.
    We are looking into how we can improve this experience.


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