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(Archived) HP Touchpad

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Sure would appreciate a nice optimized version of EN for my shiny new Touchpad.

I can use the itty bitty version from the Pre, but it's hardly satisfying, though it will do in an emergency.

HP is gonna crank out a couple pazzillion of them, you know.

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The web-based version works well enough in the Browser, until/if/when they have a version for WebOS 3.0. That will tide me over for a while. That should be better than the itty-bitty version for the earlier releases of WebOS (it is for me).


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  • Level 5*
I would love to see one for the touchpad as well. They are cranking them out and at least in the education market they are being gobbled up. Some of your largest paying customers have switched from the ipad to the hp touchpad.

Really? :lol:

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I do consulting for both large businesses and with School districts. I recommend Evernote to a lot of them. HP is pushing especially hard in the education space. One of my clients had HP come in and do a demo then offered them the 32GB WIFI version at $99 for any school district employee. I lost the sale of the iPads (all 8000 of them) to the HP touchpad.

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