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(Archived) linking unrelated notes

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General question for users:

Is there any way to put some link between two notes when the association is weak or when the association will be between only those two notes? I'm already bogged down with too many tags to sort through, and since there's no real category, I wonder if there's just a way to make it so that when one of these notes comes up, both come up. The specific scenario is this: I am a doctor who has a patient with an interesting medical case, so I've included specifics (minus her identity!) in one note among my interesting cases in a Work notebook. Meanwhile, in a totally unrelated notebook about personal goings-on, I wrote down something profound I once heard, a statement I might like to include in a book I'm working on. Later, I found that the "interesting patient" and the guy who made the profound statement are husband and wife. Just wanted to make a link between worlds-apart notes. It would be easy to copy the complete contents of each note under the two titles, I suppose, but I'd also like to learn of any capability Evernote has to link in this way; I think Evernote is fantastic!

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  • Level 5*

The desktop clients (at least the pre-releases) allow you to add hyperlinks between notes. This will definitely come to other clients, sooner or later.

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