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(Archived) Cross-note linking

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I cant seem to figure out how to accomplish this. Is there a way to link notes to each other?

An example of where I want to use this is my notes on installing OpenVPN. They look like this:


to generate client keys

cd /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa

. ./var (that is dot space dot slash var)

./build-key client1 (make sure to change common name)

Create the natscript to get the inside network to have access to the internet Then just run it once after your internet connection comes up (e.g. put it at the bottom of your /etc/rc.local file before the "exit 0" line).

http://openvpn.net/index.php/documentat ... tml#server

current server.conf

Mac Openvpn


I link to the natscript, the server.conf, and my notes on setting up the mac to connect to OpenVPN. How would I do this in Evernote?

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Links from notes to notes are on our list of things to do, but they aren't currently supported. They're a little tricky to support across the different platforms, so we want to make sure that they work correctly.


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Links from notes to notes are on our list of things to do, but they aren't currently supported. They're a little tricky to support across the different platforms, so we want to make sure that they work correctly.


That's certainly refreshing to hear. Will the links be just note-to-note, or will they be accessible from outside EN, like from a Launcher?

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That's certainly refreshing to hear. Will the links be just note-to-note, or will they be accessible from outside EN, like from a Launcher?

Haven't worked out the details, but we'd like to support a URL format that would launch Evernote and open the target note on the desktop clients, although we'd obviously want something that didn't behave badly in situations where you delete the note, uninstall the client, etc.

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That's certainly refreshing to hear. Will the links be just note-to-note, or will they be accessible from outside EN, like from a Launcher?

Haven't worked out the details, but we'd like to support a URL format that would launch Evernote and open the target note on the desktop clients, although we'd obviously want something that didn't behave badly in situations where you delete the note, uninstall the client, etc.

Yes, that would be nice! Thanks for the info!

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