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(Archived) Evernote Windows Client does not install on Linux

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I realize that you don't support EN3beta installed using Wine for Linux, but I'm passing this along anyway. I successfully installed EN3beta a month ago on my Linux box using the latest version of Wine. The install was quick and effortless and EN works like a charm. I was love struck. (Maybe I need a life??) Today I went to perform the upgrade to (from via the Help menu and it went through the motions of upgrading (downloading only a 3.xx Mb file?) It seemed to go along ok but then closed EN down after the download. I reopened EN and - no upgrade was installed - and no messages or anything. So, I downloaded the full Windows version and tried to install it like I did the original and I got an Installshield message that I couldn't install EN without an installation of XP or VIsta. I am going to now install the upgrade on my Vista and XP box to see if they install ok.

Any thoughts on what is different this time around?

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We didn't make any changes to intentionally break Linux/Wine in this last update, but you're right that this is definitely not a supported configuration. I.e. we won't be testing this for compatibility for every release, etc... so if it works for you, that's great, but we won't be able to offer much help.

I happened to notice a blog entry on this topic today, however: http://abbysays.wordpress.com/2008/05/2 ... on-ubuntu/

I can't vouch for anything in there, and haven't tried it myself since I only use Linux on servers (and we don't have a vt100 mode).

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Problem solved::


In Wine Config you can choose which version of WIN to emulate. I had chosen Win2000 for compatibility with another application. When I switched it back to Win XP the Evernote upgrade installed perfectly and I am very happy to say I am back in business. My apologies if I caused anyone using Linux any concern. :):D

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If Evernote was to add a WINE installation into their platforms and do regression tests on that as well it probably wouldn't cost very much

It would however give you a tick box that the competition most likely don't have on their products and linux users are often quite vocal... (this can of course be both good and bad)

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