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How can I rename files "image.png" after clipboard pasting, "Snapshot.png" after scan with App

Go to solution Solved by Hanno1981,

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I'm using the Android App and the Windows Desktop client.

Every screenshot I copy/paste into Evernote is named "Image.png" as the file name.

Every scanned image with the Android app is named "Snapshot.png" as the file name.

In then Files section on the Windows app, it shows me tons of files with the same name e.g Image.png and Snapshot.png.

I would like to rename some of the those image files, at least occasionally. I'm not seeing a way to do that. no Right Click menu, no options. Am I missing something or is there just no way?


PS Been using Evernote since 2013 (Windows and Android) and ages ago in a very old app, at least the scanned images with the app would have a file name with date-time in the file name. That was more useful than naming every file the same "Image.png".

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  How exactly are you getting your screenshots in both cases?  I did a quick test clip from Android and confirmed a long numeric JPG name.  I right-clicked to view as a title,  and could then change the title...

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To specify, I'm talking about Scans taken with the phone camera. In the Android App, clicking on the "camera" icon, setting it "automatic". Images taken that way, stored in a note: the default note title is "photo" [my Android app is in German, I assume it will say "photo" in the English version].

the file name of that taken image is "Snapshot.png".


In the the other use case, on the Windows client, when I copy/paste a screenshot, it stores that as 'Image.png" in Evernote. 


How do I change the file name after?



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Sorry, not sure how I missed it! In the Windows client, I have to click on to the image file, then the ... and then I see the "Rename" option. I didn't see this earlier.


Would be good to have that as an option also in the Files list, but seems like you have to be in the Note, click on the image file, and then you can rename it.


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