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  1. Select a specific note
  2. Open Note menu
  3. Choose an action like Note history

Expected: action is executed (in this example, history of note is opened).

Current behaviour: nothing happens, menu does not react. While font color is very subtle, it seems that all options are grayed out.


I have so far found one note affected by this problem - nothing seems to indicate why it is "special", apart from modification timestamp set at 2024-04-02, even though I don't recall touching that note since 2019 (this is why I wanted to check its history).

Update: there are several more notes with Note menu not responding, all of them seem to have that incorrect 2024-04-02 date.

Checked on 10.97.3 and possibly another, earlier version.

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26 minutes ago, goratnik said:

While font color is very subtle, it seems that all options are grayed out.

This is a long standing (at least from 10.60.4) problem. Evernote said back then that they could not reproduce it and closed the ticket, despite there being other people on the forum with the same issue.

It does seem to a be a bit random as to when it happens. If it does happen the associated keyboard shortcuts don't work either (which is the most important aspect for me). The most reliable way that I have found of reproducing the problem is to put the note in "expanded view" (icon at top left of the note view). Even if you return to normal view the note menu is inaccessible.

Clicking off the note in the note list and then back on to the note normally clears the problem. Alternatively refresh sometimes works (ctrl+R or ctrl+shift +R).


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Refresh works on some notes and now at least I can check that problem reported in another thread - there is no reference to original date of note creation/update even in its history, context is completely gone. Several notes persist with inaccessible menu even with this hint.

@gazumped I may report to Support, I'm just temporarily stumped with Support page telling me that my password is incorrect. Will have to check what is being played with it.

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