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The vertical notebook bar | Rearrangement and reordering with the mouse pointer a bit critical ...

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The vertical notebook bar | Rearrangement and reordering with the mouse pointer a bit critical ...

Evernote for Desktop

Windows 11

In my current notebook bar, as usual, my notebooks are sorted vertically, alphabetically, or according to my own arrangement.

Now it's about "rearranging" - which can be best done later with the desktop version if necessary and according to my setup.

And when rearranging, it becomes interesting when you hold onto a current note with the mouse, it should not be released while the "scrolling down" or "scrolling up" in the notebook bar until the correct, desired notebook is found.

Only then is it appropriate to "release" or "put in / insert" the note.

Now my consideration would be whether the programmers could possibly optimize the scrolling process when reaching the upper or lower notebook bar with the mouse pointer.

This involves an invisible point at the top and bottom of the list of notebooks to get them to scroll up and down.


In addition to the notebook, I need to have the number of notes, so that when moving notes to another notebook, at least for the time being, I can have the certainty that this has been taken over by +1 in the note count. 🧐

Thanks for reading.

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thank you very much for your response.

Your response is just an alternative - mouse-free - operation. 😛

Of course, I am also familiar with this.

What my idea was, is that one could possibly insert an arrow at the top and bottom of the notebook bar, which activates the starting point for the upward or downward movement of the bar.


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I appreciate that was simply pointing you to what currently exists,  but adding new behaviour to an existing feature is unlikely to happen quickly.  Unless Evernote were already working on something similar,  there are scheduling / planning / coding / testing phases to go through which could take a year or two,  and Evernote might have other plans to make note allocation easier anyway...

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OK, thanks for the info.

I am in the same line, to think, that the Evernote Team have better thinks to do as my idea like for my own use ability 😅

But i tryed it ...

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