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unable to empty trash

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I'm using Evernote in Chrome.  When I try to empty the trash, it spins for awhile. Then appears to empty. Then when I leave the trash folder and go back, all the trash is still there. This has been for a couple of days now.

I don't know that it's related. But I have a few notes that were definitely deleted. For a few weeks, when I go to my notes and click on reminders to see the closest reminders first, I still see these few notes, but only the titles with dates, no content. When I click on them, in the viewing pane, I see a different note that has not been deleted.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been seeing this as well in the stand-alone Windows app. Empty the trash, go work on something else, check back later to trash re-populated again. Logging out/in has no impact. Been going on about a week now & I'm always using the latest Windows version. (Did it again just while I was typing this message)

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  • 2 weeks later...

An update......I did an aggressive uninstall of the Windows client using Revo Uninstaller & then reinstalled the latest Windows build & this problem went away. 

That correction is reflected in the web version as well

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  • 3 weeks later...
Em 30/07/2024 at 17:01, CentralAla disse:

Uma atualização... Fiz uma desinstalação agressiva do cliente Windows usando o Revo Uninstaller e depois reinstalei a versão mais recente do Windows e o problema desapareceu. 

Essa correção também se reflete na versão web

I had the same problem. I reinstalled Evernote on Windows and on the web version I cleared the browser cookies. It worked for now.

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