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Tasks screen not in sync with Tasks inside notes

Go to solution Solved by justAuser801,

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Recently, I have started to experience issues with Tasks that have made the Tasks functionality absolutely unusable from Evernote Web


1. Issue 1 => A task from one of my notes is not showing in the Tasks screen

2. Issue 2 => A task once marked as completed, reappears in the Task list as uncompleted AFTER I log out and log back in, however in the Note it is marked as completed


This seems like a significant issue


Wondering if anyone else is experiencing this issue ?


PS: Task list on the mobile app is correct and in sync with the notes

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Thanks for your response

I have raised several tickets, 1 for each issue

However, I am surprised that there is no tech support option as such

I can only report a bug and in response I get generic emails stating that every bug is reviewed and prioritised 


Not sure when this change happened but this has been the most disappointing experience with Evernote in the last 5+ years

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  • Level 5*
1 hour ago, pjblabla said:

However, I am surprised that there is no tech support option as such

Not sure what you are expecting - if this is an issue affecting only your account,  you'll hear more if you deal with any queries raised in their acknowledgment;  if it's an issue reported by you and hundreds or thousands of other users,  they'll find and fix it as soon as they can.

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Posted (edited)

I'll tell you what my expectations are. The widget show reflect present reality.

I took have filed a ticket re: this.

I took experience this issue making the widget useless.

Also what view is the widget from?

I believe it's "Today" but unsure

Edited by justAuser801
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Thank you @justAuser801

@gazumped I am expecting a 'person' to get back to me and help resolve the issue rather than get automated generic replies without any SLAs.

However, it seems this issue is not affecting me only and it makes the Tasks screen completely useless, so its a high impact and high priority issue

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  • Level 5*
6 hours ago, pjblabla said:

I am expecting a 'person' to get back to me and help resolve the issue

If this is a bug,  no individual resolutions will be available - someone has to work out how and why the issue is occurring and fix it.

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15 minutes ago, justAuser801 said:

Today, it seems immediately responsive. It was a repeatable error. For now, changes in the app are reflected in the widget right away.


When you start thinking of the desktop versions of EN as simply fancy web browsers, you realise that your experience today can be completely different from your experience yesterday, for no apparent reason.

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Thanks @justAuser801


Yes, this issue has been fixed for me as well

and there was another issue I had not noted here ... that Evernote web would not finish loading in the first attempt - after I entered my credentials. Instead I had to refresh and then on the 2nd attempt it would finish loading.

That issue also has been fixed


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Still, if Evernote is watching, these threads then please bring back the original support approach where people reviewed these issues and responded 


and please have clear communication and SLAs for defects

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  • Level 5*
2 hours ago, pjblabla said:

the original support approach where people reviewed these issues and responded

That has never been the case.  Evernote staff would occasionally comment that a particular issue was under review,  but for specific responses to individual issues it has always been necessary to raise a support ticket.

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@justAuser801 this issue has reappeared today. I was wondering if it is still the same for you ?

I was also unable to log in with the first attempt and had to refresh my screen after waiting for a long time for Evernote to load after I enter the credentials 

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