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Create Notes header styles as preferences for quick formatting of headers



After clipping articles from the Web I have to reformat all the headers so my notes have an uniform look. It would save  me a lot of time if one could define the format (font, size, color) for headers (large, medium and small) once (in Preferences) and these styles would apply to all notes.

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With the new ability to collapse & expand headers (wonderful), headers which were pretty useless have suddenly become massively useful. 

But they don't stand out enough in my notes, so I've been changing them to green, bold, underscore, which works really well.  But resetting the style individually on every single note, individually for large, medium and small headers is absolutely excruciating.  And I have a lot of notes.

I'd be happy with one preference setting for all notes, but in the ideal world, you'd be able to choose from several, perhaps on individual notes, or by notebook?  I haven't used templates, but could they help - eg store the header formats with a template?

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The use of templates is a good recommendation when you are creating a note from scratch. In my case, almost all the time I am clipping information from the Web. Thus, the headers are defined by the Evernote clipper. This makes it necessary to reformat all headers. My suggestion is to have the header formats defined once (in the Preferences) and this would apply to all notes.

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3 hours ago, Wilf Forrow said:

I haven't used templates, but could they help - eg store the header formats with a template?

It depends. I assume  EN expect you to update the header style. Then every time you use that header, within the note, you get the updated style. However when you turn this note into a template the header styles are reset back to default. The same happens if you copy or duplicate the note. 

So you would need to modify the header styles but not update them. They would then survive the templating process and if you wanted to you could then update the styles in the newly created note. Does this sound like madness? I agree, but my atempts to get EN to acknowledge that this is a problem have fallen on deaf ears.

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I would absolutely love to have this feature as well.

Not only would it fit your scenario, but I would like to retroactively format my notes to be consistent with the current ways Im doing it.


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