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There are many issues with EN's version of "to-do", but one of the most annoying is its comically big spacing between list items. See the to-do list vs. checklist spacings and even just regular linebreaks.

It's terrible UI. Fix it.



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  • Level 5

What you mention are Tasks, not regular To-Do items. For these there is a nice checklist feature, like the one in the middle of your screenshot.

Tasks are autonomous elements in a note, just like a table or an attachment.

They can't be simply spaced as a piece of text can be through formatting.

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There is a css variable called "--task-height". It is set at 40 pixels high.


It looks like this (also as shown above)


If it were changed to be 26 pixels


then you get a more compact look:


(So I think as far as changes go, this one would be fairly easy to change if they were so inclined.)

Some people like the space, some people want it more compact, and some people want it somewhere in between.

I think the new UI revamp direction is to space things out.

On web, you can override things like that --task-height property fairly easy with tools like Tampermonkey if you are so inclined. On Desktop it's more difficult (AFAIK) and on mobile (especially iOS) nigh impossible.

There have been a few requests in the forum for Bending Spoons to give us some control over the look and feel (including spacing) of different elements. I've never heard any mention that they'll ever do that.


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