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Size of Image Preview Decreased After Update

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I have version 10.77.3 of Evernote Desktop on a MacBook. After the most recent update, the size of the image previews in Notes Card view has decreased dramatically. The image size is very important for me so I will be canceling if this does not change. Is there a way to increase the size of the image preview in Card view?

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  • Level 5

Hi, and welcome to the forums. These are primarily user to user, so we can't always answer all questions. But I suspect you've just been "gifted" with the new user interface. I can't say this for sure, but knowing how the extra padding/space that's been added all over the interface has caused other kinds of information to spread out or become less available, I think it's possible that could be what's going on here. Possibly stretching the center panel as wide as it can go (before it becomes a double column) might enlarge the images a little bit, but I don't know.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm also seeing the same issue with the size of the image previews in 10.86.5 Evernote on Mac. The preview image used to fill the bottom of the card completely which looked amazing, and now it is just a boring small square. I'm also noticing many of my recent image uploads are coming in as a 'blank' file image in the preview but shows up correctly in the note itself. I am hoping they will address these issues soon. As a visual person, the small images don't feel or look as good as they used to.


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10 minutes ago, jenlarcom said:

'blank' file image in the preview but shows up correctly in the note itself

This may be less a bug of new versions than a missing functionality for newer used or developing web-standards: I happen to see more clipped webp-pictures than pgn oder jpeg files. webp-pics show up correctly only in note-content, in preview, which may be developed for classic formats, they are displayed as blank file images.

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