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For the free account I can only install it in two devices/web browser. And I only can switch devices twice per month. So I have one in my Android smartphone and the second in the portable Windows laptop. 

As a result of the failure of Evernote lastest version for Windows (failure from Evernote itself) I had to change synchronization to Evernote web. But I received a pop up message to upgrade subscription that didn't allow me to continue to get access to my notes in that browser. So I had to try in another web browser/device...

The final result is that I don't know which devices/browsers I can work with because it seems Evernote has lock the access to my account until I upgrade to a payment plan. Never mind from which device, web browser etc. I try to get access to my account, the only answer is that I can upgrade or the app will close in seconds.

At least I should be able to see which of my devices is available to access my account. Specially if it's a failure of the last desktop update that I can't skip.

May be I finally have to pay to be able to access to my data. But for sure it will be the last time I do that.

Do the free users have any email address to complain or contact to explain the problem? As far as I've seen we only can make searchs in the forum but we don't have the right to get a direct contact.

Thanks in advance if anybody can help

Evernote starting error (v.

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  • Level 5

No support on technical issues. We used to trade a twitter address, but I don’t think it’s really fair for all those who pay, and still have a wait.

You are on a Free plan. You use any software „as it comes“, which includes all (possible) bugs. You could have switched from Windows to web, and back using your 2 unsyncs. At least I count 2 actions, no more. If it took you more, that’s your own doing, not of anybody else.

So it’s simple: You pay and get access now, or you wait until the lock lifts itself after 30 days.

It’s up to you. If you pay and then leave, don’t expect us fellow users to shed a tear. We don’t enjoy to see other users leave, but life goes on.

And by implicitly declaring you intend never to pay, EN has become the wrong place anyhow. So better take the decision now.

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Thanks for your quick answer.

I don't know how, but the problem solved itself, after uninstalling the desktop version for Windows (Revo uninstaller suggested by agsteele) and reinstall again the latest version. Now I have the same access than before the problem.

I wouldn't have unsync anything if the autoupdated version worked. So when I expressed my complain, Evernote didn't allow me to access from any device/browser nor at least to know from which devices/browsers could I access. That is completely unfair, in my opinion. After two unsyncs I understand that I can't change the device/browser but I should be able to see from which devices I can get access to my data. 

Important to read that the lock is not for the present month (I was wrong about that), but for the following 30 days.

Thanks again

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