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Can’t upload pdf’s annotated with iOS

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I found Evernote’s pdf annotation features to be limited on the iPad so I’ve been annotating pdf’s using iOS itself (just click on the pdf and use the annotation tools iOS provides).

However, when I try to attached an annotated pdf file, at first it looks like it’s attached but as soon as I click anywhere else in the note I get “Unable to upload” error.

I do not get this error when I upload an unannotated pdf.

I’ve tried re-saving the annotated pdf as well as compressing then in-compressing but no luck.  It shows as a pdf document the same as an unannotated file, according to iOS.

I have the personal plan and I’m on an iPad with iOS 17.1.1

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  • Level 5

I couldn‘t reproduce this report.

I took a pdf from a note, and downloaded it. Then I went to the Files app, opened the file and picked the annotation tools from the head bar. I annotated, then closed the file and saw it sync with my iCloud Drive. I then send the file into EN by sharing.

It opened just fine, including all annotations I had applied.

The same happened with a pdf I annotated first, and the shared into EN. No corruption, just opening OK, with annotations.

The only idea I have how a corruption may happen is when the file is shared into EN when the sync with iCloud is still ongoing. This possibly causes a collision between the two operations on the file, that may corrupt it. But this should be an exception.

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I played with this some more and am seeing this behavior:

If I create a new note in a new, unshared notebook, I have no problem attaching an annotated PDF.

However, if I create a note in a shared notebook, I repeatedly get an issue when trying to attach an annotated PDF.  I’m not sure if the sharing is the issue or if the notebook is corrupted/different in some other way.  The sharing is the only thing that looks different to me.

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