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To do lists in Evernote 10

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I'm trying to make the switch from Legacy Evernote to 10.  The first problem I have is moving my to-do lists.  I have several checklists that I use over and over.  I can check off the tasks as they are accomplished and the next day right click the note, go to To-do, then to Uncheck All and start the process over again.  That doesn't seem possible with Evernote 10.  Removing the individual x's in the new checklist format for a list with 10 or 12 tasks is not too cumbersome, but I have one list that I use for an entire month that has 60 check boxes.  Not all get checked off every month, but at least half of them do.  Is there an alternative to my current method in Evernote 10?

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  Have you tried a template?  Save the empty checked items and create a new checklist as and when you need to.  Beware there are checkboxes and checklists - you may do better to create the form in a word-processor and attach that to a note,  or use the Tasks feature.

Checklists have a tick box at the beginning of each line, and if it is ticked , the whole line will be crossed out. If you try to insert a tick box anywhere else, you get a slightly different symbol. Insert a checklist by typing square brackets and a space "[] " or from the editor menu (possibly under the 'more' item) - hit return for another line with a box.

Checkboxes can appear anywhere in a line of text (except at the start) and if completed do not cross out the content. Insert a checkbox by typing "[] " anywhere but the start of a line, or using the "+" menu in the note editor.

Weirdly checkboxes spontaneously convert to checklists if you create one at the beginning of a line and hit return. If there is a list of several checkboxes, they will all convert.

Reminders - by definition, all checkboxes and lists are contained by notes, and a note can have a single reminder. There is no option for multiple reminders within notes, or for reminder for specific items.

Beware that currently there is no way to find checklists whether they contain completed items or not. "Todo:" and "Contains:" searches can only locate checkboxes.

See also https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313618

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15 hours ago, albertfield said:

I can check off the tasks as they are accomplished and the next day right click the note, go to To-do, then to Uncheck All and start the process over again. 

I agree that it is very odd that it is not obvious how you uncheck all the boxes. The trick is simply to select all the lines in the checklist, press the checklist icon in the toolbar to convert them from a checklist to normal text and then press the checklist icon again to turn them back into a checklist.

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