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Attachments not showing in export to Apple Notes

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Hi I'm trying to export notes from EN to Apple Notes using ENEX files.

It works fine exept for the attachments which are replaced by texts like this one {{NotesAttachment:31ad5b0f596cacaf30c402106e4dea5c}}

I'm talking about standard PDF attachments, not a strange format.

Anyone knows the fix to this?

I'm using version 10.62.5-mac-ddl-public (20230928204806)


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  • Level 5

This is probably more an issue of the import process than the export.

You can search for Apple Notes here in the forum, or you try to find help on Google. Many interesting projects are found on GitHub, although some of them require a little console work.

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You are right, I asked CHATGPT to dig into an exported ENEX file containing just a note with a PDF and it managed to extract the PDF. So the issue is on Apple Notes import.

I have not found the fix yet but I'll keep on searching. The strange thing is that I seem to be the only one getting this issue...

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  • Level 5

No, actually Apple Notes is known here in the Forum as being not very welcoming in terms of importing stuff. They are even worse on exporting.

But since Apple develops Notes further, and many functions are basically OS features working in Notes as well, it is not very transparent what will work, and why. Some users did their own scripting , and have posted it on places like GitHub. Check when released and when last updated - the older contributions tend not to work on the newer releases of Apple Notes.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/1/2023 at 6:02 PM, David RODRIGUEZ said:


You are right, I asked CHATGPT to dig into an exported ENEX file containing just a note with a PDF and it managed to extract the PDF. So the issue is on Apple Notes import.

I have not found the fix yet but I'll keep on searching. The strange thing is that I seem to be the only one getting this issue...

You are not alone.. I have the same issue. But don't know how to fix it..

When you find a solution please share

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I too have this issue and have determined it’s exclusive to Sonoma. With Ventura the import worked fine with attachments, but no tags came over. With Sonoma, the opposite. Waiting on Apple to release a fix.

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With previous versions, I had it half work : not all notes were synced and the attachments were included on the Laptop where I did the iport, but on Icloud, the atachments are not synched. Maybe I need to do this bit by bit with just a handful of notes and wait a few days each time for iCloud to sync, but that does not seem like a properly working solution.

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Can confirm this is exclusively an issue with Apple Notes in Sonoma. ENEX imports into prior MacOS versions of Notes worked fine. Re-importing ENEX exports into Evernote and into other programs (aside from Notes) confirmed the exports were fine...imports happened as expected. Notes in Sonoma is the issue.

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  • 4 weeks later...

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