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모바일 앱이 계속 중단됩니다.

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Evernote Free로 Web버젼과 모바일  총 2개로 이용중입니다.

얼마전부터 모바일앱에 로그인을 하면 앱이 계속 중단되어서 이용을 할 수가 없습니다.

앱 데이터/캐시를 다 지워보기도 하고,

앱을 삭제한 후 다시 설치하기도 했으나 계속 앱이 중단되어서 너무 불편합니다.

로그인을 하기전까지는 앱이 정상적으로 동작을 하는데

로그인을 하자마자 중단되는 것을 보면 계정 문제일 것 같기도 합니다.

어떻게 하면 해결할 수 있을까요?


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  • Level 5

I am not sure the translation app delivered a proper English version of your post.

I understand you sometimes have a login problem. You say you use the web client plus a mobile device.

Probably there is one or even several more devices registered to your account. Only 2 are allowed, and only 2 unsyncs are allowed per month either.

If the web client is working, go to your account pages, tab devices, and check which devices show. If more than the 2 web + mobile show, open EN on these devices, and log out of your account. Then use the account info on the web client to unsync the additional device.

Once only 2 are left in the devices tab, you should be safe, and these 2 should work.

Given the problems with unsyncing, I would only use these 2 clients permanently.

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  • Level 5

Looks OK, then the problem is not here.

Can‘t tell exactly for Android - I am on iOS only. But from other posts I know that sometimes wiping the app cache on the Android device helped to solve login problems. I just have no clue about the details.

On iOS I would log out, then uninstall the app, dump all data when asked and finally make a forced restart. Then install again and log in.

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