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Text of the saved search name is included in the search

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Apparently support can not replicate this so I would really appreciate it if somebody could see if it is an issue for them as well.

If I search for a saved search and then click it, in some cases my search string is included in the search. This happens only when the saved search does not contain any text in the search bar e.g a search saved from a filter where all the search criteria are encoded as blue lozenges.

To give an example:
save a search for a single tag (say $current) and name it Fred.
type Fred in the search bar and then click on the saved search named Fred
EN searches for notes containing the tag $current AND the word Fred

Here is what happens if I click on the $current tag in the sidebar



If I open the search bar and scroll down to my saved search (Fred) I get exactly the same result but with the name of the search at the top



If on the other hand I search for Fred and then click the saved search  I get a search for notes tagged with $current and containing the word Fred


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I think you would have to name it tag:$current  unless the "word" $current appears in the note. The workaround is to actually include a * in the original search when you save it. Eg search for * (ie all notes) and then filter for the tag. The star, like any other text, overwrites the name of the saved search.

However I'm not really bothered about a workaround as it is not something I use very often, but as the facility is there it should work and I wanted to let EN know it can be an issue.

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