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Adding a link to a saved search into a note

Mike P


I like to have "Dashboard" notes which provide essential information on a topic and links to other relevant notes or webpages. I would also like to add saved searches but this is not possible in Evernote. This seems like a missed opportunity and it would be great if this facility could be added.
In the mean time there are two possible solutions.
In the web version you can just run the saved search and then copy the url of the results into the dashboard note.
In the desktop version this approach is not possible.  My approach is therefore to include the advanced search string in the note. In my script below the string has to be either the only thing on the line or the only thing in a cell of a table. So all of these work:

The sequence needed is:

  • Click anywhere in the search string
  • {Home} - goes to the beginning of the string
  • {shift}{End} - highlights to the end of the string
  • Ctrl+c - copies the string
  • {Home} - unhighlights the string
  • Alt+Ctrl+1 - goes to EN Home in order to clear any searches that were active beforehand
  • Alt+Ctrl+2 - Goes to Notes to ensure that you search all notes not just a particular notebook
  • Alt+Ctrl+F - opens the search bar
  • Ctrl+v - pastes the search string into the search bar
  • {Enter} - does the search
The following Autohotkey script will perform the search once you have clicked anywhere in the search string and pressed ctrl+J
send "{Home}"
send "+{End}"
Sleep 100
send "^c"
Sleep 100
send "{Home}"
Sleep 100
send "^!1"
Sleep 200
send "^!2"
Sleep 600
send "^!f"
Sleep 100
send "^v"
Sleep 10
send "{Enter}"
The lengthy sleeps seem to be necessary in Evernote while a similar script worked without them in notepad. I am definitely not an AHK expert so if this is a clumsy or inelegant attempt I apologise - but it works.



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Nice.  I even saved this to Evernote... (I just started using AHK).  I agree it would be a great new feature, and I think the background technology exists for links to saved searches (eg they have a widget with these, and HTML links can do it) in Evernote, so its more a question of building it into the interface.

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