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Default reminder date same as due date?



Just a quick suggestion; maybe this has already been requested (or is even possible and I missed it).

Let's say I create a task, add a description, click on the calendar icon to add a due date (without a time). I then click on the reminder (bell-plus) icon to set a reminder. I would expect the default reminder date to be the due date I had just set, and not the current date and time.

I've started using Evernote as a replacement for OmniFocus on the Mac, and so a lot of my due dates are a few weeks or months out. The net effect is that I have to advance those several weeks or months out in two different calendar widgets twice, leaving an opportunity for mistakes or just plain forgetting.

It seems that more than 90% of the time when setting a due date in the future, users wouldn't want to be reminded at 5pm the day they create the task that they have an item to complete six months later.

Is there a setting available to change this? Or is this an oversight?


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31 minutes ago, phantastically said:

Let's say I create a task, add a description, click on the calendar icon to add a due date (without a time). I then click on the reminder (bell-plus) icon to set a reminder. I would expect the default reminder date to be the due date I had just set, and not the current date and time.

Actually the default time isn't now but the next hour.  As I type it is 15h03.  The offered reminder date & time is today at 16h00.

However, if I first select a date and time for the task, then I am offered the option to set a reminder at the Due Time, 30 mins, 1 hour or 1 day before.

So start by setting the task date/time and you'll get what you are proposing.

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Thanks @agsteele, but that's not the behavior I see.

Click (+), then Task, a new Task is created. I enter text as the task description, click on the calendar and select, say, March 30, then click "Done". Then I click on the "Bell+" icon to set a reminder, and the default date is as you said, within an hour of the current date and time. I would expect the default reminder time to be the due date, not the current(-ish) date.

I think the difference is that you're setting a due time for the task, as well as the date, and I'm not. When I add a time to the due date, I then see the reminder options relative to the due date.

I would argue I shouldn't need to specify a due time (which is generally meaningless six months in advance), if I want my reminders to be relative to the due date. 

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You are correct. You have to select a due date AND time before you click on the Bell icon.

This is the only way of achieving what you described. There is no other workaround.  You can, of course, advocate for something different by submitting feedback from within the app or opening a support ticket.

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