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Cronofy problems

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  • Level 5

This is not a problem with Evernote, I think, but with Cronofy, a service that integrates online services, including connecting Evernote and other services to calendars, including Google. I know a few other people here use this service, so before I contact Cronofy support, I just want to see whether they are experiencing this problem as well.

The advantage of Cronofy's calendar connector is that it is two-way. When I set a reminder in Evernote, it is shared with Cronofy, which creates a Google Calendar event for it with an alarm at the same time as the Evernote reminder. In Google Calendar, I can then change the date and/or time of the event, and this is synced through Cronofy back to Evernote, changing the reminder in the note. Lately, however, it's only been going one way: I can create and change reminders in Evernote and they sync through Cronofy to Google Calendar;  but if I change the event date or time in Google it does not change the reminder in Evernote. This results in missed reminders and general confusion.

So: any other Cronofy users seeing this? Again, I believe it is an issue with Cronofy, not Evernote, and the solution will lie there. I'm just gathering data. (And yes, I know I can connect Evernote directly to Google Calendar with my paid subscription, but my understanding is that I have to first create a Google event and create the Evernote note from there; it doesn't work with Evernote reminders, again leading to multiple reminders.)

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  • Level 5

For the record (if anyone ever looks at this record!), Cronofy's support very promptly responded and advised me to simply restart the connection at https://evernote.cronofy.com/. I did so and it is working perfectly, and very speedily, again. In the meantime, I tried out the direct connection from Evernote to Google Calendar, and will probably use it for some purposes and Cronofy for others.

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