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I have search the Internet but found no answer. I don't wish to do the same thing here, however...

It was a long time before I realised my Safari extension for Web Clipper ceased to work. If I had noticed it earlier I may have been able to solve it sooner - but I did not.

The older Evernote Web Clipper extension in Safari used to work wonderfully and beautifully.

The most I can understand from my original search is that my OS Mac is old and my Safari version is old. All the advice I could find was - UPDATE YOUR SYSTEM. UPDATE SAFARI.

But for reasons I won't go into I cannot update either.

The relevant versions are:

Mac OS: 10.13.6

Safari: 13.1.2


Given that my Safari used to work with an older version of Web Clipper where can I get an older (legacy) version of the Safari extension?

Much obliged.

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  • Level 5

I am not sure about older versions of MacOS and Safari, but in the current version you can load extensions ONLY from the AppStore. This means that any older copy will possibly not work at all, because you can’t get it installed.

Workaround: Get another browser - I am not sure with your old MacOS version, but usually Firefox is a solid alternative.

With a supported MacOS and Safari, Web Clipper works great, currently version 7.30 (on FF still 7.29).

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