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Some images in my notes aren’t loading, if anyone has had similar issues what have they done to fix this?

I could see the images when I originally pasted them into the note but they will not load now (circle just continues to rotate)



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  • Level 5

Yesterday I merged 3 notes, one of which had several images in it. In the new, merged note, the images could not be uploaded (error message), and I got those circles. I went back to the Website they came from, copied the images one by one (there were only 3), and pasted them into the note, where they were accepted and synced just fine.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi, I am facing the same problem and these were very important image notes which I cannot get back. Is there ay way to fix this. I have tried web app as well as Evernote desktop app for my MacOS . Please help with this issue.

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  I created a note sometime back, may be roughly an year back and attached some images in the notes. Now when I open the notes, I just see the rolling circle icon in place of those images. I am including the snapshot below. I have tried the following things already :

1) Reinstalling Evernote

2) Checking web version of Evernote

These are very important notes and I dont have access to the images I uploaded that time. I will be really grateful if someone could help me out with this issue.

Screenshot 2023-02-28 at 10.21.34 AM.png

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...


Got the same issue with some of my notes (With super important screenshot) : ( I have the same issue on the desktop app on Mac and using the web browser.




Many thanks for your support. 

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  • Level 5

Please be aware that we are other users here, not Evernote tech support. "Having the same problem" with no further detail leaves us unable to offer what help we can, which in a case like this is likely to be mainly "Try in a different client (Web, desktop app, mobile app)," and if it's still not working, contact Evernote's tech support: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new.

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Couple of questions:

  • Is it a particular client (Mac, Windows, Windows App Store, Mac App Store)?
  • Is there any pattern based on source of the images (iCloud, Google Drive, OneDrive, Web Clipper, Import Folder, etc)?
  • Is there any pattern based on how the images are attached (Drag and Dropped from Explorer, Copy and Paste using clipboard, Attach image button, etc)?
  • Is it all images or just certain ones (PNG, JPEG, etc)?
  • If you go to your Documents folder there is an Evernote directoy.  There is a backup directory for attachments that fail to upload for whatever reason (also a directory for external edits and other things).  Do you find the images there on the machine that attached the images?
  • Were you offline at the time of attachment?
  • Does the note history have an old copy with the attachments?

We have a ticket that is tracking these problems but we're having trouble finding a good repro of the bug.

If you're particularly tech savvy you can try the following steps:

  1. export the note to an enex file
  2. open the enex file in a text editor
  3. there will be <en-media> tags that reference the various images and should have a hash
  4. scroll down further and there should be <resource> tags with data encoded and have the matching hash

If your enex does not have the <resource> but still has the <en-media> then there's missing attachments which is not good.

Sometimes the content (especially old content or from a 3rd party editor) might have an <img> instead which means it's a link to an image and not an actual attachment.  You may have lost access to that link or the content was removed on the website.

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Hello @RMorgan and many thanks for your support.

Please find my answers :


  • Is it a particular client (Mac, Windows, Windows App Store, Mac App Store)?
    • Mac Client ( 10.57.5-mac-ddl-public (4090) .
    • I also tried with the Webbrowser
  • Is there any pattern based on source of the images (iCloud, Google Drive, OneDrive, Web Clipper, Import Folder, etc)?
    • I am always doing Screenshot in Mac using the default MAC tool and copy/paste it directly in Evernote 
  • Is there any pattern based on how the images are attached (Drag and Dropped from Explorer, Copy and Paste using clipboard, Attach image button, etc)?
    • Copy paste from the default screenshot MAC tool
  • Is it all images or just certain ones (PNG, JPEG, etc)?
    • PNG
  • If you go to your Documents folder there is an Evernote directoy.  There is a backup directory for attachments that fail to upload for whatever reason (also a directory for external edits and other things).  Do you find the images there on the machine that attached the images?
    • I have a "Failed" uploads but not with the related images
  • Were you offline at the time of attachment?
    • No
  • Does the note history have an old copy with the attachments?
    • No sorry i don't have the history option.

Many thanks !

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I'm facing the same issue where the image loading circle keep rotating.



  • Is it a particular client (Mac, Windows, Windows App Store, Mac App Store)?
    • the web client on Win10 both in Chrome and in Firefox. Also on the iOs app.
  • Is there any pattern based on source of the images (iCloud, Google Drive, OneDrive, Web Clipper, Import Folder, etc)?
    • It only happens to notes that I recently made on the web clients; older notes load fine.
  • Is there any pattern based on how the images are attached (Drag and Dropped from Explorer, Copy and Paste using clipboard, Attach image button, etc)?
    • I copied the images into the note, either via rigt-click copy and paste, or via Win10s default screenshot app.
  • Is it all images or just certain ones (PNG, JPEG, etc)?
    • Don't know.
  • If you go to your Documents folder there is an Evernote directoy.  There is a backup directory for attachments that fail to upload for whatever reason (also a directory for external edits and other things).  Do you find the images there on the machine that attached the images?
    • There isn't, because i'm using the web client
  • Were you offline at the time of attachment?
    • Online
  • Does the note history have an old copy with the attachments?
    • There is a history, but the images don't show in the older copies


If your enex does not have the <resource> but still has the <en-media> then there's missing attachments which is not good: this seems the case. I made very simple note with only two images copied from an email. Once copied the image from the email, the second is a screenshot of the image.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE en-export
  SYSTEM "http://xml.evernote.com/pub/evernote-export4.dtd">
<en-export><note><title>Stage Gates</title><content><![CDATA[<!DOCTYPE en-note SYSTEM "http://xml.evernote.com/pub/enml2.dtd"><en-note><div><br/></div><en-media hash="ab7ae690f12fe1e8f86688e8af5b4356" type="image/png" style="--en-naturalWidth:613; --en-naturalHeight:413;" /><div><br/></div><en-media hash="3bd306ab3f1996707d01ae016b5c779e" type="image/png" style="--en-naturalWidth:606; --en-naturalHeight:404;" /><div><br/></div></en-note>]]></content><created>20230523T080230Z</created><updated>20230523T080519Z</updated><note-attributes><author>REDACTED</author></note-attributes></note></en-export>


I hope this helps.

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Update: I installed the windows app (Win10), and inserted an image. I notice the following.

- Windows app shows the image, but not in the preview of the notebook, see first screenshot

- Other apps (iOS and web) do not show the image and show the rotating circle, see second screenshot

- Edit: update: If i add a photo to the note on my iphone, I looks like I'm getting the same, but in reverse. The Win10 app shows the dreaded circle, the iOS app shows the photo. Somehow I'm getting the feeling the images are only saved locally

Win10 app:


See attached file for .enex with the <resource> in it.


Web app:


This export does not have the <resource> ...

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE en-export
  SYSTEM "http://xml.evernote.com/pub/evernote-export4.dtd">
<en-export><note><title>Stage Gates</title><content><![CDATA[<!DOCTYPE en-note SYSTEM "http://xml.evernote.com/pub/enml2.dtd"><en-note><div><br/></div><en-media style="--en-naturalWidth:607; --en-naturalHeight:405;" hash="5b2e8a06e34384df34994f5bafeb44e8" type="image/png" /><div><br/></div></en-note>]]></content><created>20230523T080230Z</created><updated>20230524T074545Z</updated><note-attributes><author>REDACTED</author></note-attributes></note></en-export>



Stage Gates (2).enex

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Could you also give me a link on google drive or something to your logs?  it's in the %APPDATA%\Evernote\logs directory (C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Evernote\logs).  You can also export the logs and share the zip with me or just the evernote.log file assuming the bug happened in that log.

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  • Level 5
12 hours ago, Varttaanen said:

Update: I installed the windows app (Win10), and inserted an image. I notice the following.

- Windows app shows the image, but not in the preview of the notebook, see first screenshot

- Other apps (iOS and web) do not show the image and show the rotating circle, see second screenshot

- Edit: update: If i add a photo to the note on my iphone, I looks like I'm getting the same, but in reverse. The Win10 app shows the dreaded circle, the iOS app shows the photo. Somehow I'm getting the feeling the images are only saved locally

I have seen versions of this among Windows desktop, Android mobile, and the Web client. I think images sometimes simply take a very long time to process on the servers before syncing to other clients. Regarding the lack of image in the preview, that is a very longstanding issue with Evernote Windows. Whatever process that is used to generate and update the thumbnail in the preview is slow and erratic, often retaining images that have been deleted from the note; and if you note has >1 image, the process somehow seems to determine which one you would want to see and then show one of the others instead. 😉

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And it seems that overnight Evernote has synced the images of this particular test note (top screenshot)

But not for the note that I noticed it first (bottom screenshot)

This is getting evermore mysterious 🤔

But... a test image I just now pasted in my test note in Win10 app, is now immediately visible in my iOS app on my workphone, but on my private iOS phone only after restarting the app.

I hope all this helps :)




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  • 10 months later...

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