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Tasks linked to a note

Go to solution Solved by agsteele,

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Hi, I've just started to get into using Tasks after reading many helpful posts in this forum and getting great ideas. One thing I've noticed is that if I create a task from within a note, whilst it appears on the task list fine, when I click on it, I'm expecting to be able to access the note the task is created from, but it doesn't, so I'm finding that I still have to search through my notes to find the detail for that task.

Maybe I'm missing something, but is there a way to quickly go from task list to the related note, or is that not a feature that's available?



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2 minutes ago, agsteele said:

Tap on the Notes tab which will support by note name. You can then tap the note name to open the relevant note.

OMG, thank you, I had a feeling it would be something simple, appreciate the super quick reply, I don't know why I didn't see that 🙂

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You can get to the note from the Task details as well. They way you do it depends on the client.

From the Desktop and Web version you can click on the note name in the task details:


You can do it from mobile as well, but it takes about 3 or 4 clicks and isn't as intuitive. (For mobile, tap on the task name. Then tap on the three dots '...' on the right side of the little popup. Then tap on the note name. Then tap on the '-> Go to note' menu that pops up.)




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