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Combined saved searches

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Hello! I have a saved search for every year going back ten years (and I think this is my first forum post ever!).

So for example:

created:day-365 -created:day-364

created:day-730 -created:day-729

and so on.

I would like to know if there is a way to combine these into one search - like an On This Day feature similar to Day One. Is that possible?



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  • Level 5*

Hi. Short answer,  no.  Boolean searches are reserved for Professional subscribers,  but while an 'and' is implied for sequential keyword searches like "hot chocolate",  the advanced operators you're using for each search would cancel each other out if used together in one line. 

I can imagine you could set this up with an external automation app - even some text expanders could do part of it - you'd need a bit of logic that says "run search 1 and tag the note OTD; then run search 2 <etc>; then search tag:OTD"  Remember v10 doesn't work with scripts (yet) so you'd need AHK or similar to run that series for you.


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