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Bulk Indexing, Visualization, Organizing?

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Hi Folks,

I find myself with a huge collection of notes - a mix of text, handwriting, and voice - and facing the daunting task of transcribing them & integrating them into the various projects I'm working on.

I wonder if anyone has come across any tools that can bulk process notes - run handwriting/voice recognition, auto-generate tags, automatically group them by tag/keyword-in-context, then present them in a slide-sorter kind of display (kind of like going from a bunch of stickies to stickies grouped on a whiteboard).

Bonus points for importing from Samsung Notes and Voice Notes.


Miles Fidelman

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  I got to ask the obvious question:  if you were taking notes of any kind for project X,  why would you not very carefully label the content of that note at the time with a title and tags that fully describe its content and purpose,  and place it in a notebook for that specific project?  Doing a major tidy-up of a large volume of notes - not all of which are in the same format - is going to take time...

I'm not aware of any software that will easily do this for you,  though there are a couple of apps that would help.  You'll have to set up the rules that define their intervention though.

https://filterize.net/ - repetitive actions on Evernote notes - can operate several 'rules' simultaneously to go through notes plus moving to other notebooks and tagging as necessary.

https://infranodus.com/ - will analyse your Evenote notes for content,  connections and interdependency on a 'mind-map' style interface.

I'd suggest that you start by analysing your database for all the notes that relate to a single project,  and move them to a separate notebook.  You then have a far smaller group of notes to deal with plus (presumably) a much smaller list of tags that might apply.

I did something similar with an account containing 55K notes.  I might know a note was in there, but I couldn't quite remember the keywords or enough information about the context to actually find it.  55,000 notes is way too much to deal with manually...

I split my content into individual entities - one notebook for each specific person,  company or app that I had made notes about.  There were surprisingly few notebooks - around 350 - but that meant an average of 150 notes per notebook which is a far less brain-freezing number of notes to sort through manually if need be.


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