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Evernote Support ignoring/closing requests without solution: Append to Evernote Malfunction

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So evernote support keeps closing the followin problem report without any interaction with me.
Could that mean I'm the only one observing this behaviour? Any suggestions on how to proceed?

„Append to Evernote“ function on iPadOs and iOS exhibits the following problems with the shortcuts app (aka Workflow):

1) There is no option to feed in an existing note as returned by the „Create New Note“ or „get Notes“ shortcuts. Hence only the search for a title/name is available. Append to Evernote should at least provide a variable of type „Evernote note“ for further processing as „Delete Notes“ does. (in fact this should be the only parameter accepted as there are so many issues with the search interface as show in items 2-4)
2) Searching for the note to append to fails for notes created by the same shortcut just some steps/seconds ago unless there is a wait interval of at least roughly _15 seconds_ between creation and appending to notes. This is an unacceptable delay when working with shortcuts.
3) If search fails the „Append to Evernote“ does in fact CREATE a NEW Note to which the content is appended to. At least this action should fail as there is NO Note to append to.
4) Search can also fail if the „in Notebook“ parameter is set to a notebook in which the original note was not created in.
5) The content parameter does accept rich text (e.g. bold) but ignores/deletes relative hyperlinks. Absolute ones are accepted




PS: (I even started thinking about writing my own shortcuts-to-evernote-bridge app based on intents - did anybody think about doing this or would support this?): 


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  • Level 5

Are we sure these shortcuts are "property" of EN ?

AFAIK we can't see in the Gallery who is the developer who placed them there in first place.

I have got another shortcut not working, to grab a note on the Apple Watch, that grabs something, but fails at the account access every time.

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