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Are logs available in the web version?

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Are there any logs available that users have access to? 

For example, I'd like to see how various shared notes are being used and accessed by other people on my team. Are there any sorts of logs available that I can use to see who's accessing what?


  • Level 5*

Hi.  Short answer - no.  What you see is what you got.  Evernote Business would probably have more internal usage stats,  but that's overkill for less than several users.  URL shorteners like bit.ly offer stats on how often their links are used,  and there may be blog-related services that track usage.  (There's a third-party service Postach.io that converts an Evernote notebook into an online blog). 

You may be able to find some services that work with public shares,  but if you're adding in others by email address I don't know whether external counters would work.  It's not some thing that Evernote is designed to include...

EDIT:  -and please don't post the same query twice. I zapped your other post on this.

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