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Address and Phone Hyperlinks or Links

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Hello, I'm not sure if I even titled this correctly, but before all of the constant updating, we used to be able to enter phone numbers and addresses into our notes and automatic hyperlinks would be created. After the updates, we are no longer able to utilize those functions on Windows. We did notice it creates phone number hyperlinks on IOS, but still does not for the address.... I am utilizing Evernote on Windows 99% of the time. Is there an option for this that I'm just not seeing? I'm not the most Evernote savvy person, so thought I'd check on here! TIA!

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  • Level 5*
1 hour ago, ServproAdmin said:

we used to be able to enter phone numbers and addresses

Hi.  You should certainly be able to enter an http:// style address and see a blue (or green) underlined link - not sure about phone numbers.  I use Windows but I don't ever remember seeing a magical conversion of just numbers to a (presumably) dialable link.  That does happen on Mobiles though...

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4 hours ago, ServproAdmin said:

Is there an option for this that I'm just not seeing?

Phone numbers don't happen automatically although email addresses do for me. However you can do it manually by creating a link or editing an existing link. In the link box add mailto: before an email address or tel: before a telephone number.



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I have the same problem with phone numbers. Before the update any phone numbers entered automatically highlighted and by simply clicking on the number it would make a call from my phone. That function disappeared and now makes the app useless for me.

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