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(Archived) HELP! HELP! HELP! Forgot Password/email changed

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Please forgive the Stupidity of this post but I have had a MINDSNAP! I CANNOT REMEMBER my premium account password. That, however, is not the real issue, I believe. My ORIGINAL email address changed. It was a .com domain. THAT is what evernote has. When I request that email be sent in order for me to get a new password, it goes to THAT site and is bounced or ignored. How in the WORLD do I get this fixed?!

My Username is : Babs

CORRECT email is: BabsRealEstate@bellsouth.net

I need to be able to access my online account. I can't do business without it.

I have been a premium member since October 2008.....

Home address: 102 Creekwood Dr. Brunswick, Ga 31523......PLEASE Help! I have now tried TOO many guesses and just can't remember the old password. I was going to change the email but can't.

Do you sense that I am BEYOND frustrated?! I feel a good HissyFit coming on!

Thanks for your help....BabsRealEstate@bellsouth.net

HELP! HELP! Help! Help! Help! :?

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To the person who was so unkind...NO it's not a joke, it's very real, and thank you very much I now have recovered the password and have changed my email address.

ScanSnap and Evernote are essentials....I happen to be away from home and under very stressful circumstances and just couldn't recall the information....now all is well.

Thanks, for the link below, too. Babs :shock:

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