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Importing my Inbox is there a limit to notes.

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I am getting the following message when I am importing a export file of my inbox. There are allot of notes in there.

How can I resolve this?

Failed to Import Notes

Your import had an error. We were able to import 237 notes to (Imported) 10/29/2020 before this error occurred.

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  You don't say how many notes you were trying to import,  how many notes / notebooks you have,  or the state of your upload allowance.  Evernote does have limits,  but its impossible to say from that error message whether you have exceeded them.  It actually looks like one or more of the notes may have caused an issue.  Can you obtain another export of this particular inbox?  If so,  I'd suggest limiting the number of notes exported to say 50 per export file and then try to import those files separately...

Evernote system limits

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