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Snippet View PDF Attachment

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  • Level 5*

I decided to dip my toe in the water and have downloaded v10.  During the installation I was given an option to keep my existing installation and add v10.  I don't know if this is a change from the original download, but thanks for that.  I was expecting that v10 would remove my existing copy and then I would have to download the legacy version after, which would have been a pain, but I was prepared to do it.

I don't think I've seen this mentioned before and I believe I reported on this during the beta.  If a note contains only a PDF and you are in snippet view, it tries to render some text from the PDF.  It is unsuccessful and just shows gibberish.  If a note only contains a PDF, it should not try to add text, just show the title and attachment icon.

Here is how it shows in 7.14


and this is how it looks in v10.  


The added text is not helpful.

I know many others have already mentioned this, but please bring back the sync button.  I get that you want sync to be seamless, but no matter how good it is, when using multiple devices, especially in questionable wifi conditions, we will still run into sync conflicts.  We need the manual sync option, even if buried in a menu.

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  • Level 5*
17 minutes ago, s2sailor said:

During the installation I was given an option to keep my existing installation and add v10.

That's cool; can you have two Evernote apps with the same name   
On a Mac I had to download a special Evernote Legacy app (7.14.1); different name and icon

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