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(Archived) Multi-Select of Tags should be an 'OR' not an 'AND'

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Currently, when multi-selecting tags (in both the Web and Desktop), the search is an 'AND' search (e.g. Select all Notes that have "this" and "that" tags). My expectation of a multi-select user story is that it is inclusive, not exclusive, and should produce an 'OR' search (e.g. Select all notes that have "this" or "that" tag). What is the thinking behind the current behavior?

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I think it's reasonable to do AND seaches as well as OR searches. In fact, IME, it's more often than not that I want an AND search. IE, maybe I'm looking for an email from my manager regarding direct deposit. I don't want all the gazillion emails from my manager as well as other emails from co-workers who may be discussing direct deposit. I only want the ones from my manager regarding direct deposit.

You can easily change this, you know, so it's really NBD. (At least on the web client & Windows desktop client.)

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I think it's reasonable to do AND seaches as well as OR searches. In fact, IME, it's more often than not that I want an AND search. IE, maybe I'm looking for an email from my manager regarding direct deposit. I don't want all the gazillion emails from my manager as well as other emails from co-workers who may be discussing direct deposit. I only want the ones from my manager regarding direct deposit.

Thanks for the explanation... what you say makes sense.

My experience with Multi-Select searches that are arranged in an explorer-style tree is that you are trying to see all items in both 'directories' when you select both 'directories'.

You can easily change this, you know, so it's really NBD. (At least on the web client & Windows desktop client.)

How would I change this?

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