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(Archived) Evernote updates for android


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I have a Nexus One running android 2.2. The evernote app version is 1.5RC1.

The app keeps offering to update almost every time I open it. It indicates a successful update, with higher and higher version numbers(the latest is 1.5.1(96950)). Still shows 1.5RC1 when you check when you check the app.

I don't believe you folks are updating it as often as it announces. What's up? The constant updates are a bit annoying.

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  • Level 5*

If the version numbers are different every time, then it's likely that it is being updated. It would be silly to update the version numbers without updating the app.


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If the version numbers are different every time, then it's likely that it is being updated.

I agree. The fact that the app interrupts with a request to update virtually every time I open it to view a note would seem to indicate a problem with the app.

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