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(Archived) Privacy

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I am a happy evernote premium user, i have even invited some friends and my wife sending them the premium year present.

I keep looking for everything i can find related to evernote (you tube, reviews, constantly the trunk to see if there are new possibilities). Many of the web pages show new ideas about what we can store in evernote. Some people store cake recipes, photos about where they parked their car, some articles, and some more other stuff.

Well i would love to be able to store more than that in my account, of course not passwords or anything that really needs the highest security standards, but still i am concerned about security. Can i store invoices? Can i store personal scanned letters or personal photographs, can i store my work contract or scan documentation i get from banks into evernote for future reference? or should we just keep evernote for recipes and not really important stuff.

Can i have the security that my stuff is private?

I would really love to be able to rely more on evernote and store more sensitive information (nothing important really, but i like privacy and when i create in a note my own thoughts or personal photos, i like them to be private)

Can you please add the option not just to encrypt text but also encrypt a specific image or directly to encrypt a full note (even loosing the possibility to search in the note contents and relying only on tags for search).

What is the future of evernote regarding security and privacy? What are your plans?

Thanks and regards,

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