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(Archived) whats the big deal?

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As a long term user and very satisfied customer I have to say: i don't really understand what the big deal about the new version is.

The biggest feature - a web version shouldn't be of use to most people who use it for work purposes only. i understand, that i can choose to lock my files - but still i don't want to upload all my notes to another place on the web...

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*THE* biggest deal about the new version, as far as I'm concerned, is the clear decision to turn EverNote into a *capture tool* only, basically. Power features of 2.2 that makes dicing and slicing data possible for mere human beings, not ubergeeks, is forcefully being ripped out (example, automatically assigned categories *worked* in beta ... it's just that they have chosen to rip it out from under our noses).

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