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Evernote hangs when opening a note containing moderately large pdf



Some of my notes contains relatively large pdfs (5.1MB, in my most recent case that made me wanna post here). I use search function a lot, and due to the extensive content inside that pdf, it often matches my search. But when I scroll and click through the notes in search results, I often click open this one containing pdf, and Evernote hangs every time for a while. I presume it is loading the pdf.

But in most cases I'm just browsing through search results, and have no intention to read the pdf. So this creates an inconvenience for me. I wonder whether this could be improved in future versions. Thanks!

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Ditto here also.

I have the same problem when using Evernote on Mac. When I do a search that returns large size PDFs in the results, if one has the focus in Evernote, if will freeze for almost a minute. Most of the time I just end up terminating Evernote and reopening it again. It's quite fustrating.

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  • Level 5*

I have no problems with large PDFs, but can turn off inline display so Evernote doesn't open the pdf.482669053_ScreenShot2018-05-12at01_26_57.png.397df63cd82920f4b29c17e69809ba1f.png

Right Click the pdf to see the Attachment/In-line display option.

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Thanks for that tip. I didn't realise you could you toggle the option to view inline on individual PDFs. This has provided me with a workaround. Evernote was freezing when PDFs of about 30MB or bigger were coming up in my search results. 

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I have the same issue. If the PDF is large (in my case it is a 1.200 pages document) you should set it as attachment view because it will come back in many searches. 

The inline view will make Evernote hang for a few seconds. In my case this is a 10-15 second delay. I guess it depends on your computer power. Mine is a 2011 Mac with 4GB Ram and a SSD. 

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