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(Archived) EN3: access from both Mac and WinXP

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I've migrated my EN2 notes on my old Windows computer to EN3 on a new Mac running Leopard. That seems to have worked ok.

I also have an office computer running WinXP and a separate EN2.2 database.

I have tried to combine the two into a single user in EN3 with two separate notebooks, one called "snsokstan" representing my home and one called "WC" representing my work When I do this, my office computer is only sync'ing about 85 of my 256 notes in my "home" notebook, and I can't even sync the "work" notebook--it stays greyed out.

One other thing: under "Notebooks," I see one notebook prefaced with a bullet, but the other isn't. I am not clear why that is. What does the bullet mean? image attached...

So, should there be any problem using one account containing two notebooks to sync between an office Windows computer and a home Mac computer?



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One other thing: under "Notebooks," I see one notebook prefaced with a bullet, but the other isn't. I am not clear why that is. What does the bullet mean? image attached...

Can't help you with the rest, but the bullet means that's your default notebook.

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