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(Archived) Mac Beta Questions about To Do's etc.

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Hi there doesn't seem to be a place on the forum for the Mac beta so I suppose i better ask in here . The version is version 1.02a under "about Evernote" which is the latest Mac version. Being a beta i assume somethings just dont work yet.

I am a little confused about the left side panel which shows things like To Do's and then sub lists called completed and not completed. I cant figure if this is working yet. I dont seem to be able to find a way to create a new note and make it a "To Do"l. Also if I hit the note info button I get the basic info about a note plus a panel with the Tags which works fine but under that is another panel with more information as the title. I click in here and it highlights the area but I cant type anything in it, just get the default "error" tone when you touch any key.

I am not too sure if there is going to be an area in this forum for the Mac Beta version released or not but it would be very helpful. I have shown 3 of my friends with Macs this app and they love the idea.

It sure is a great application and I love the way it imap integrates with my iPhone. Excellent!


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Normally, you make a note a "todo" by inserting a checkbox. I would assume that this is the same in the mac version. You insert a checkbox in the windows version by using alt+click or ctrl+shift+c (and I think there's a right-click option) too.

The current version of EN has somewhat arbitrary definitions for todo or done. Todo means that a note has an empty checkbox. Done means that a note has a checked checkbox. You can mess with saved searches in order to get a whole range, including "in progress", "completely done", "not started yet". Do a search on the forum for a post by me with "venn diagram" in it. That details how to force the saved searches into categories that make more sense for todos.

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We're currently testing an update to the Mac client which includes support for To Do checkboxes. This should be available (via software update) at the end of the week.

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We're currently testing an update to the Mac client which includes support for To Do checkboxes. This should be available (via software update) at the end of the week.

Excellent . it is nice to know I am not going mad.

Is there somewhere i should be posting Beta comments ? Is this an OK section for Mac users to do this ?


Awesome product you guys have

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Excellent . it is nice to know I am not going mad.

Is there somewhere i should be posting Beta comments ? Is this an OK section for Mac users to do this ?


Awesome product you guys have

Thanks! This is definitely the right place ... we don't have a Mac-specific forum set up, but there's enough cross-over topics that we'll just keep it all in one place for now.

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